Uncategorized · Writing and Promoting

Free Ebook! A Noble Wife

Here’s a FREE gift for you! A Noble Wife is a read that will urge you to follow your dream. Every person at one time or another has that desire to do something – a dream. You have the means to step into dreams, you only have to take the first step!


Historical Romance
A Noble Wife
Norma Gentry is a natural entrepreneur. Her ideas are more than dreams, they become reality. Her beauty is more than skin deep. Her heart is in everything that she does from being a wife to starting different enterprises. Though a lady’s place is in the home, her husband encourages her dreams. But when the train that she is returning home on derails, her life is changed forever.
Jim Gentry a notable councilman in the city of Nashville, Tennessee considers himself fair and is respected by the townspeople. Known for his astuteness and investments, he took the position of a moderator on the city council to aid in the growth of this great city. But his world comes to a standstill when the train Norma, his wife is on derails.

Click here for you book!

Writing and Promoting

Free Gift to YOU!



I would like to give you my Historical Romance for a sweet read this season! Feel free to share!

Click Here to get your ebook!


Free gift a noble wife

A Noble Wife
Norma Gentry is a natural entrepreneur. Her ideas are more than dreams, they become reality. Her beauty is more than skin deep. Her heart is in everything that she does from being a wife to starting different enterprises. Though a lady’s place is in the home, her husband encourages her dreams. But when the train that she is returning home on derails, her life is changed forever.
Jim Gentry a notable councilman in the city of Nashville, Tennessee considers himself fair and is respected by the townspeople. Known for his astuteness and investments, he took the position of a moderator on the city council to aid in the growth of this great city. But his world comes to a standstill when the train Norma, his wife is on derails.

Merry Christmas!

Brenda Scruggs

Writing and Promoting

You Deserve Happiness!


You deserve HAPPINESS!
Let me say that again. You deserve HAPPINESS!
Yes, there are things that bombard us every day. Kids crying tugging on your sleeve, something breaks down, you’re late for work and life seems like a never-ending battle. But I say the battle is yours. The outcome of every situation can be positive or negative. Choose positive. You’re probably scratching your head right about now thinking, whaaat?


I want to give you a word of encouragement today that hopefully will brighten your day.
We all go through things but the way we handle them is up to us. Choose happiness instead of gloom. The battle isn’t yours it’s God’s. Cast your cares upon HIM and let him take care of it.
You may say I actually don’t know how to do that, then let me help.
1. Ask (pray) Him to come into your heart and cleanse it.
You’re probably saying, I’m already saved. Whether you accepted him years ago or just recently, life isn’t perfect, and we all fall short. We should ask for forgiveness every day that way nothing is in between you and him. You’ll feel better.
2. Read the bible daily.
By reading daily, it builds your faith and belief. The word is alive. It will guide and instruct you, but you have to read and study it.
Think of reading the bible as a relationship. When you’re in a relationship with someone you spend time with them learning their likes and dislikes. What makes them laugh and what makes them cry. You love getting to know them. So, by spending time reading the bible you learn and this brings happiness.
Download a bible app on your phone then let it read to you if you’re running short on time.
3. Believe that He loves you.
This is so important. With most of us, it’s hard to escape our past. We have a mindset that we can’t be loved, or we don’t deserve to be loved. But His love has no boundary’s or depth. He is love.
4. Now, cast your cares on Him. He doesn’t want you to carry the burden any longer. When you do this, you feel a relief. A relief that brings a smile to your face.
Why do I say you deserve Happiness, well because the bible says so?
Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with JOY (Happiness) and peace as you trust in him so that you OVERFLOW with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Friday’s Fitness = Holiday’s Fashion!


Are you sick and tired of being tired and sluggish? Don’t like the way you feel or the way extra pounds that says Hi every time you look in the mirror? And, you know you won’t stick with or can’t workout. Then, this coffee is for you. Exercise in a cup!
I have been drinking this coffee and love the way I look and feel. I had heart valve replacement a couple of years ago and gained over 30lbs in the hospital. I did loose some of it when I came home but not all of it. When you’re used to being one size and can’t seem to reach that weight anymore, it charges all types of emotions.
A friend of mine introduced me to this Smart Coffee and it changed my life. I believe in this product. I’ve lost 16lbs so far and feel great. That’s why I want to introduce you it.
With the Holiday’s fast approaching, YOU could be at your idea weight for the Holiday’s!
Looking GREAT! Feeling GREAT! Enjoying GREAT!

Other benefits to this coffee are energy and mental clarity which was something I didn’t expect until I noticed the change in my thinking. Weight loss is only one of the benefits of drinking the coffee or chocolate. This smart coffee works with your body to produce and balance your own bodies hormones making you feel more positive. It doesn’t make you feel weird or dopey. You find yourself laughing at the smaller things in life, letting go of little annoyances that once irritated you.
The Natural Hormones
Dopamine —> the reward hormone.
That feeling (oomph) you get from eating chocolate when you’re stressed or when a bunch of people leave you a great review… that is dopamine.
Oxytocin —> the bonding hormone.
The first time you saw your sweetie and you drew in a breath releasing it slowly knowing he/she had to be yours. Or, held your baby for the first time and hearing the cooing he or she gave you.
Serotonin —> the great regulator.
Serotonin helps regulate mood, social behavior, appetite, desire, sleep, memory… Did I mention sleep?
Endorphins —> the relief hormone.
This is the good stuff that your body produces to relieve stress and pain. It can also make you feel euphoric (without the worry about addiction or overdose!) Ever heard of a runner’s high? That would be endorphins at work.
Are you ready for your exercise in a cup! Looking Holidayriffic! You’re going to LOVE it!
Message me here or on Facebook or click the link below!


Happiness in a cup!
Brenda Scruggs

Coffee · Uncategorized

Is Sleep Your Companion or Your Enemy? 6 Tips To Get Better Sleep

Is Sleep your companion or your enemy?

Sleep plays an important role in our physical health. It is involved in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Constant lack of sleep is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even stroke.
Stress from everyday life, family duties, and unexpected challenges can interfere with a good night’s sleep. Even though you may not be able to control all the stress factors, you can try the following tips to encourage better sleep routines. These simple tips may seem obvious but sometimes we need to just be reminded.



Start with these simple tips.
1. Develop a Sleep Schedule
Some studies show that your deep sleep should at least be 20% of your overall sleep. Which means that since most adults need 8-9 hours of sleep, they will need about 1.6-1.8 hours of deep sleep to fully function the next day.
Go to bed and get up around the same time every day. Try to keep your schedule as close as possible even on the weekend. Keeping regular or as close to a regular schedule reinforces your body’s sleep-wake cycle.
If you don’t fall asleep within about 20 minutes after going to bed, get up and leave your bedroom. Do something relaxing. For instance reading or listening to soothing music. Try not to drink anything. It will only disrupt your sleep by having to use the bathroom, then go back to bed when you get sleepy.
By staying in your bedroom reading or listening to music your brain associates the bedroom with these activities instead of sleeping that’s why I suggest leaving the bedroom until your sleepy.
2. Observe What You Eat and Drink
Don’t go to bed hungry or stuffed. Avoid heavy or large meals within a couple of hours of bedtime. The stuffy feeling will interrupt your efforts to get comfortable enough to fall asleep.
Nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol can affect your sleep patterns too. The stimulating effects of nicotine and caffeine take hours to wear off keeping you from a good night’s sleep. And even though alcohol might make you feel sleepy, it can disrupt sleep later in the night by having to go to the restroom.
3. Create a Restful Atmosphere
Create a room that’s ideal for sleeping. A cool, dark, and quiet room makes it easier to fall asleep. Exposure to light could make it challenging to fall asleep. Avoid prolonged use of blue screens just before bedtime. Blackout shades or curtains can keep unwanted light out.
4. Limit Daytime Naps
Too many naps during the day can interfere with nighttime sleep. If you choose to nap, limit yourself to shorter ones and avoid late naps.
If you work nights, however, you might need to a nap late in the day before work to help make up your sleep debt.
5. Include Physical activity in your daily routine
Regular physical activity can promote better sleep. Avoid being active too close to bedtime, though.
Spending time outside every day might be helpful, too. Vitamin D from the sun can promote sleep.
6. Manage your Worrying
Worry seems to be an enemy at night when you lay your head on the pillow. Every thought, concern, or idea seems to want to expose itself causing you to focus on it instead of falling asleep.
Try and replace the worries with positive thinking. Focus on the good things in life even if you’re going through the worst of times. Yes. It’s easier said than done but trying it can help.
Serotonin is a hormone found in various parts of the body, including the brain and the stomach. This hormone plays an important role in several bodily functions, including regulation of mood, regulation of appetite, learning and memory and regulation of sleep. It is sometimes called the happy chemical because it promotes wellbeing and happiness.
Our Smart Coffee contains serotonin among other natural hormones:
Dopamine —> the reward hormone.
That feeling (oomph) you get from eating chocolate when you’re stressed or when a bunch of people loves your blog post… that is dopamine.
Oxytocin —> the bonding hormone.
The first time you saw your sweetie and you drew in a breath releasing it slowly knowing he/she had to be yours. Or, hold your baby for the first time and hearing the cooing he or she gave you.
Serotonin —> the great regulator.
Serotonin helps regulate mood, social behavior, appetite, desire, sleep, memory… Did I mention sleep?
Endorphins —> the relief hormone.
This is the good stuff that your body produces to relieve stress and pain.
To find out more on our Smart Coffee you can leave a comment or message me on messenger. I would love to tell you more. I believe in this coffee and only want to share the benefits with you.

Writing and Promoting

Is there Benefits to Journaling?

Have you considered Journaling? Wait! Before your thoughts get in the way of, I don’t know how, or I don’t have the time or even why should I Journal consider this article.
Why should you Journal?
Journaling can have mental and emotional benefits, a way of releasing stress from your daily life. Journaling helps to process complex ideas and thoughts. Most of the time when you write down an idea then read it seconds or even minutes later the answer seems to pop off the page.

my journal
The beauty of journaling is that it helps you grow as a person, it can help you recognize patterns in your life as well as helps you gain perspective. As for me, at the end of the week, I like to scan through my journal to see how God secretly worked in my daily life for that week.
Journaling by hand in a paper notebook moves a different part of your brain than typing does. And before you argue that you can write faster on the computer, journaling is not about speed, efficiency, or volume. It’s about dedicating a few minutes each day to honor yourself, your thoughts and your feelings. Writing by hand helps you get in touch with all of that better than a keyboard.
Whether it’s putting pen to paper or fingers to the keyboard journaling can make a difference in your daily life.
However, you choose to keep your journal, there are clear benefits to doing it. In every case, they can be a huge benefit to you, personally, and enlightening for anyone you choose to share them with.
Journaling may seem a waste of time to a lot of people and time is something we can’t get back. I know that sounded negative but your time can be precious to someone else. I lost my mom several years ago and what I wouldn’t give to have the time back with her. One of the many reasons why I started to journal is for my son and for when he has children. By writing my thoughts, recording events, and the things I’ve through gives the person that reads what I have written a sense of what kind of person I am, my daily life and who I want to be. They can see the times I cried and the time that I laughed. It’s my legacy to the next generation.
Simple steps to Start Journaling
The easiest way to journal is by keeping it simple.

  • When starting your journal, just date the entry and note your location.
  • Start by describing your surroundings if you need to get warmed up.
  • Write a little bit about your day. What’s on your mind? Think of your journal like an old friend you’re sitting down to have coffee with. Just answer, “What’s up? What’s new? What’s going on?”

Happy Journaling


You are a Masterpiece


 Masterpiece – What is your Mindset?

By Brenda Scruggs – Leave a comment

With the right mindset, you can become a masterpiece and it only takes a few simple steps. Today is a new day and you can begin sculpturing the new you!

A Masterpiece is a work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship whereas a mindset is basically the way you think about a situation.

For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. NLT Ephesians 2:10.

Did you know that you were created for a purpose? You were. There is a reason that you were born. It may be that you are to just give a kind word that will change someone’s life or as big as becoming president.

You are a masterpiece

Most of us have seen works of art that make us stop and take another look. Whether it be in a gallery, museum, or even online. Something about the amazing talent being displayed captures us in wonder, admiration, astonishment, and even bewilderment that stays etched in our minds long after gazing upon it – a masterpiece.
I am by no means an artist but what I’ve discovered after reading how an artist makes a masterpiece, I have come to the conclusion that masterpieces come by producing a lot of art, they usually aren’t planned, but they are created by hard work. This can describe our lives as individuals. We go through each day giving our daily routine all that we have, our discoveries aren’t planned, and we work hard – we are a masterpiece in the making.
For most artists, the masterpiece is the work of art that stands out from the rest. After painting or sculpting many, many pieces, one stands out the most capturing the attention, interest and intrigues the mind. The artist then strives to make the next piece reach far beyond what they just created.
Your mindset is extremely important for everyday life. The way you think about yourself will catapult you into your destiny – your masterpiece. The masterpiece of your thinking can paint enhancing thought patterns, intrigue encouragement, and urge you to do better. If you can start to believe in yourself even in the remoteness of an inch, then you are on your way to building an extraordinary masterpiece – YOU!
Your mindset is a set of beliefs that you act upon. How are you thinking?
Do you think of yourself as being loved?
Do you think of yourself as beautiful?
Do you think of yourself as successful?
If you said no to most of the above then your thought pattern may need restructuring because you are loved, you are beautiful, and you are successful. Someone does love you even though you may not feel loved, you are the only you, there is no other mold of you and that makes you special, you are successful because of what you can only do. Yes, others may have similar ideas, but they don’t have what you can offer.
 Take inventory of your thoughts – Do you mostly think negatively and not positively? Do you always see the bad in any situation instead of the possibility of something good?
We can form a mindset from past experiences when a dream or goal hasn’t turned out the way we planned, a relationship ended badly or simply we feel we can’t do anything right. Yes. Those things did happen and left a raw taste in our mouth making us look on the bad side, so we won’t be let down again or to even protect ourselves from being hurt again. But if you stay there, in that negative mindset (past), then you are robbing the world of You since you are a masterpiece for the world to gaze upon.
Thousands of thoughts pass through our minds daily. Some trigger hurtful memories, others bring a smile to our face, some bring judgment, others tantalize an inspiration and the theory goes on. It is up to us to focus on the ones we choose, not the ones that bombard us continually. I’ll say it again, “We Get to Choose the Ones We Want To Focus On.” We don’t have to buy into the lie of negativity.
Today you can start working on changing your mindset. Pay attention to the despairing thoughts that go through your mind and target them because we can’t change the mindset unless it is acknowledged. Then start to change the way you think by seeing the good in things. Will it be easy? Probably not but a masterpiece isn’t easy. It is a process to start and then a WOW at the finish.
 Flip the Switch – Switch your way of thinking – Switch your mindset. Once you’ve identified the negative thoughts, you need a tactic to stop them. Flipping the switch is a method to counterattack the thoughts that want to hold you back.

Now that I’m getting older, I dread looking in the mirror. Instead of seeing me, I see the fine lines that seem to deepen daily, skin that doesn’t want to stay in place, and sagging eyelids. (Ha Ha, now that I’ve painted you a good picture.) But, I have changed my mindset practicing what I preach, I flipped the switch. I now look in the mirror and say, “You are not flawed, you are flawless.” (I will make a post on Affirmations soon that will help build your confidence and enhancing the way you think.) Speaking to yourself in the mirror may seem strange but once you do it a time or two, you’ll see a difference.
Another example of flipping the switch. Let’s say you want to take a walk after dinner to burn up some of the calories that you’ve just eaten but then your mind tells you, oh, you can do that tomorrow, you’re too full, take a nap, etc. But, the best way to stop those thoughts that want to hold you back is to put on your tennis shoes and go for that walk. Counterattack that thought.

 Failure – Failure isn’t a bad word, it’s only bad if you stay and keep it company. Give yourself permission to fail but don’t stay there returning to negative thoughts.

Most successful people will tell you without failure, they’ve learned nothing. When developing the lightbulb, Thomas Edison said, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that wouldn’t work.” Take what you learned when you failed and pick yourself back up and go forward.

Make your life a masterpiece, you only get one Canvas so, be the sculptor of your DREAMS!
Happiness is a mindset and a way of life. Starting Creating your masterpiece -YOU!
Follow Your Dream
Brenda Scruggs- Author

#mindset #masterpiece #simplesteps #encouragement #followyourdreams #dream #feelhappier


National Sponge Cake Day!

National Sponge Cake Day!

What better desert to eat on a hot day, than sponge cake with cool whipped cream and cold strawberries! YUM!
Today is National Sponge Cake day, a day when we can celebrate the sweet cake day by eating the treat shamelessly!
The sponge cake was created in the mid- 16th century by an Italian chef for a Spanish lord. The first version of the cake was more like biscuits, then it spread to England where they used beaten eggs to make the cake rise. It is widely written that the Victoria Sponge was Queen Victoria’s favorite cake.
So, bake a sponge cake or buy one, dollop some cool whipped cream and dash with strawberries on it and enjoy! Something that will go great with the desert is Skinny Coffee to make it a guilt free day!
Be Blessed,

Coffee · Uncategorized

Smart Coffee! Who hasn’t tried it yet?

Smart Coffee! Who hasn’t tried it yet?
I’ve been drinking this amazing coffee and now have my husband drinking it. The energy and mental clarity were something I didn’t expect until I noticed the change in my thinking. Weight loss is only one of the benefits of drinking the coffee or chocolate along with the pill. This smart coffee works with your body to produce and balance your own bodies hormones making you feel more positive. It doesn’t make you feel weird or dopey. You find yourself laughing at the smaller things in life, letting go of little annoyances that once irritated you.

who's not tried it


And, what is meant, when I mention D.O.S.E (The coffee or Chocolate and Pill).

D – Dopamine
O – Oxytocin
S – Serotonin
E – Endorphins

Dopamine —> the reward hormone.
That feeling (oomph) you get from eating chocolate when you’re stressed or when a bunch of people love your blog post… that is dopamine.
Oxytocin —> the bonding hormone.
The first time you saw your sweetie and you drew in a breath releasing it slowly knowing he/she had to be yours. Or, held your baby for the first time and hearing the cooing he or she gave you.
Serotonin —> the great regulator.
Serotonin helps regulate mood, social behavior, appetite, desire, sleep, memory… Did I mention sleep?
Endorphins —> the relief hormone.
This is the good stuff that your body produces to relieve stress and pain. It can also make you feel euphoric (without the worry about addiction or overdose!) Ever heard of a runner’s high? That would be endorphins at work.
Are you ready for a change! Comment below for more information! You’re going to LOVE it!


Calling All Authors!

Calling All Authors, to Smart Coffee!!!

As a fellow author, I understand the struggles a writer goes through. All the plot scene, characterization, and long hours in front of the computer can leave you feeling drained and staring at the screen. So, I wanted to share with you a new coffee that has changed my life! This smart coffee is amazing, it’s more than weight loss, it enhances mental clarity, contains Nootropics, which helps deliver three of the happiness hormones, and it has powerful antioxidants to improve blood flow and energy. Would you like more information for a newer motivated, focused, and craving kicker you? If so, then here’s the link: https://elevacity.com/Brenda2525


calling all authors